
Monday, April 23, 2012

[Review] Kajal by Oriflame

Hi, lama ga update blog nih, lagi sibuk banget akhir2 ini *sok sibuk maksudnya* LOL

Kali ini aku mau ng review tentang Kajal by Oriflame.

Udah lama sih sebenernya tertarik sama Kajal ini, cuma ga beli2 karena harganya yg lumayan mahal menurutku, 80-an ribu.
Dan, beberapa bulan yang lalu(lupa bulan apa) sepupuku si pampe, ngasih tau klo Oriflame lagi ada promo. Buat agen Oriflame yang beli produk-produk mereka dengan jumlah pembelian tertentu, mereka bisa beli Kajal ini hanya dengan harga 10ribu saja. Dan sepupuku itu kebetulan lagi ada order yang lumayan banyak, jadi dia berhak mendapatkan promo itu. Dia nanya ke aku, mau ga Kajal seharga 10ribu? Ya jelas mau dong, siapa sih yang ga mau kosmetik murah dengan kualitas yang bagus, iya kan? hihi

Dan inilah si Kajal ituuu.. 

Kajal by Oriflame
Penampakkan dalamnya

Bentuknya unik, eyeliner tapi wadahnya kayak lipstick. Klo mau pake, wadahnya diputer dulu, trus ntar Kajalnya ini naik keatas, yah mirip lipstick itu lah. Dan bentuknya itu, ehmm.. mirip2 piramid. Lancip di atas dan semakin membesar ke bawah. Oriflame sih meng klaim klo Kajal ini ga perlu diraut. Tapi kok aku mikir ya, ntar klo itu Kajal udah sampe bawah yg bentuknya gede, gimana cara makenya coba?
Selama ini aja aku pake Kajal ini cuma buat lower waterline, ga bisa pakenya klo buat upper eyeliner, kegedean, jadinya pasti ntar tebel banget >.<
Entah apa yang ada di dalam pikiran para desiner Oriflame kenapa bikin bentuknya kayak gini =.='

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cute Lens Case ♥

My Lens have a new home!! :D

I buy this cute lens case at Mirota Kampus. It's so cute so I just can't resist to not buy it :D
Beside, it's cheap haha
It have a bear shape, and the color is black and white.

Cute, isn't it? ♥♥

Price: about 8 thousands rupiah. I forgot hehe

Thanks for visiting  ^^v

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

[Review] Softlens A+ Froze Chapter II

Hello.. :D

Still remember about my review about my new softlens a couple days ago?
It's A+ Froze. Well today I want to tell you my opinion about this softlens after I use it for a couple days.

You know what?

Ughh.. I just realized after a couple days of using it, it's SUPER uncomfortable!!
My old X2 Baby Eyes is a lot better =.='

This A+ Froze is always makes my eyes blurry. I have to blink my eyes a couple times to makes my vision clear again. The longer you wear it will get worse. You'll feel very uncomfortable. When I use my X2 baby eyes, I can wear it about 6-7 hours and it's still very comfortable. But with this A+ Froze, I feel uncomfortable even when I've used it only for 3 hours!! OMG.. so disappointed with this softlens.

Repurchase? Definitely NOT!! =.='

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

[Review] Skin79 - The Oriental Gold BB Cream

Hello.. Hello..

Today I want to make a review about my recent BB Cream.
It's from Skin79 and the series is The Oriental Gold.

Skin79 - The Oriental Gold BB Cream

 The ingredient:

It has a BPOM Indonesia License

This BB Cream has a bonus, it has a cheek and lip cream tint. You can wear it as lipstick or use it on your cheek to give a natural color to your cheek. Anyone who doesn't like to wear blush on, will like this!! :D

The BB Cream and the Cheek and Lip Cream
The BB Cream and the Cheek and Lip Cream

The cheek and lip cream is not as greasy as you think when applied. To wear it, you only need to do a gently tap your finger to the cream and then tap it on your cheek and voila, your cheek will turn to red naturally like you're wearing blush!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Softlens A+ Froze

My old softlens's expired is this month so yesterday I bought the new one.

I bought A+ Froze in Gray. The color is beautiful. At first I was interested with X2 Fame and A+. But after I tried all of them, I like A+ Froze the most. The gray is the most dark between all of them, it's almost black but still has slightly beautiful gray color. The gray color in A+ and X2 Fame are too bright. I didn't like it because my eyes looks not normal after use it. I want color in my eyes but not very extreme :D

A+ Froze
A+ Froze