
Monday, February 27, 2012

[Review] Nivea Fruity Shine Lip Balm - Cherry

Lately my lips gets very dry so I barely can't wear any lipstick. Even though I'm not very like lipstick, but still, my face will look like a mess without lipstick!!

So my journey for looking a moisturizing lipstick that can make my lips moist is begin! :D

I read many review in internet, but something change my mind. There's many review about Nivea Lip Balm. They says Nivea Lip Balm has a tint!!
So I think rather than looking a lipstick that moisturize my lips, why I'm not replace it with a lip balm instead? I didn't like lipstick either. I only need a little bit color in my lips so my face won't look pale. And a lip balm with a tint? Of course I'll choose that!!

Nivea Lip Balm has a lot of color, but what caught my attention is Fruity Shine Pomegranate, Fruity Shine Cherry and Fruity Shine Strawberry.
Actually, I'm most interested with the Fruity Shine Pomegranate but I couldn't find it. There's only the Cherry and Strawberry. So after a loongg meditation (LOL) I decided to buy the Cherry one..

Nivea Fruity Shine Lip Balm - Cherry
Nivea Fruity Shine Lip Balm - Cherry

Saturday, February 25, 2012

[Review] Maybelline Watershine Pure - Pink

Yesterday my cousin, pampe, came to my house. Like me, she likes make up too. Well honestly, she likes make up since yeaarrrss ago, even before I knew about make up LOL

So this cousin of mine bring her make up and like usually we do every time we met, we discuss about what make up we wears hehe

One of her make up item that caught my attention is her lipstick. It's Maybelline Watershine Pure in pink shade. I don't know which pink it is because it's only say the code in the bottom. The code is B24.

Maybelline Watershine Pure

I use Watershine too, but in different shade. I use C11(only the code, no name) and no 12 (It say Brandy Rum in the bottom). And I like it all. That's why when I saw my cousin's lipstick is Maybelline Watershine Pure too, I can't resist myself to try it too LOL

[Review] Maybelline Watershine Pure - Brandy Rum

Lipstick is not my favorite make up. But still, if we want our make up to be perfect, we still need to wear lipstick. Without lipstick, we will look pale or ill hehe

This is my first lipstick I ever had. It's Maybelline Watershine Pure in Brandy Rum (12)

Maybelline Watershine Pure

Maybelline Watershine Pure

Maybelline Watershine Pure
The color is kinda dark. And even more darker on my lips because I have pigmented lips :D

[Review] 2nd Review of Skin79 - VIP Gold Super Plus BB Cream

Masih inget ama review ku beberapa waktu yang lalu tentang Skin79 - VIP Gold Super Plus BB Cream?

Skin79 - VIP Gold

Nah, sekarang setelah berkali2 pake dan jd mahir cara pake nya, kini aku mau bikin review lagi..
Ternyata emang bener lho, kemarin itu warnanya keputihan karena aku pake nya kebanyakkan
Sekarang sih aku klo pake tipis-tipiiiss banget, dan hasilnya.. wow.. amazing *lebay mode on* :P
Ini beberapa fotonya..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[Review] Skin79 - Hot Pink BB Cream

Waktu itu aku udah janji mau bikin review tentang Skin79 - Hot Pink BB Cream and here it is..
Seperti yang aku bilang, aku dapet tester nya Hot Pink ini ama yang VIP Gold dari temenku.

Skin79 - Hot Pink BB Cream

Skin79 - Hot Pink BB Cream tester

Shade nya Hot Pink ini lebih gelap dari pada yang Gold. Hot Pink ini bagus buat orang yang kulitnya berminyak karena dia ga se'basah' yang Gold. Tipe kulitku campuran, berminyak di bagian T-zone tapi kering di pipi.

Ini beberapa foto aku waktu pake BB Cream Hot Pink


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